Friday, March 6, 2009

2009 Goals

I figure writing them down would help me keep focused.  So here they are!

Vedauwoo Goals=
-Weak Become Heroes  v10
-Analog v8-9
-Cumulous v11-12
-Daisy Cutter v6

-Crouching Dragon v11
-Bismark v10
-High Price v9
-Karajo v11
-Venus in Scorpio v11
(I would like to tick of as many problems no matter what the grade but theses are priorities)

-Uprising v10

-Black Angus v9
-Over the falls v9

-Twilight v9
-Purity Control v10

-High Plains Drifter v7
-Seven Spanish Angels v7
-Soul Slinger v8-9
-Evilution to the lip v10

-Tall cool red one v6
-Loaded with Power v10
-Julo and me v9
-Full Service v10
-Roughage v7
-Dry Dock v7
-Taxing the Pipe v9
-Free Willy v10

Goals With Ropes= 
-Tugging Softly 5.13a
-Kansas City 5.12c
(there are a few lines that make me want to rope up)

Im setting the bar hight this year in hopes that it will push me to get stronger.  The climbs listed above are basically a wish list I plan to climb everything I can get a hold of!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Picture Post = some old pics I had to keep you entertained till I find current ones


Well as the title says sadly I've been lazy with the whole blog deal.  However the good news is I've been very busy!  So now its time to catch up on things.  Two weekends ago I got on a plane and flew back to the east for a weekend in the gunks with Lexi.  I have to say we both had an awesome time and Lexi had a very productive trip.  She is just starting out but sent a ton of problems! As for me I kind of mulled around and ticked off some easy and moderate climbs.  My goal by the end of the summer(Im living in the gunks all summer) is to tick off all the established problems which are in the current guide book.  This is a massive goal for me.  There are hundreds of problems ranging from v0-v12!  I will have 4 months to do this but I figured I should probably start now. Cool so now everyone knows about two weeks ago.  Ok now lets talk about last weekend.  I went to HUECO! Sorry I got excited it was my first time down there and boy did I have a fantastic trip.  The original reason for this trip was to hit up the Rock Rodeo which was taking place on saturday but some how things changed and we ended up driving down on wednesday.  Crazy of us but a good choice we got in at 3am thursday morning and woke up to climb at 7.  Despite the fact we were exhausted we were stoked!  Saturday we headed out to north mt. friday to the east spur and on sat(rock rodeo) we hit up the east mt.  While I had an awesome trip I have to say I was not on top of my game.  While easy and moderate climbs went down on the flash burn or the try after that didn't apply to harder climbs sadly.  I seem to have a bad habit of getting to the top of things and my muscles seem to stop working.  Oh well!  While I didn't snag any badass lines I learned allot from this trip.  I need to train harder and get psyched for the return trip and redeem myself!  Oh and I apologize for the lack of pictures aka none so far on this blog.  Once again I've been lazy and don't feel like carrying the camera around.  If I can track down photos taken by others I'll get them up as soon as I can.  Anyway from now on I'll be taking pics for all of you to enjoy.  Well thats all for now this weekend I'll post again and give an update on the week.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

ABS 10 Nationals

So this weekend did not go quite as planned but oh well we made the best of things.  Friday I began my drive to DIA to fly back east to spend valentines day in the gunks with Lexi.  However Colorado had different plans for me.  Friday afternoon I-25 shut down due to a crazy snow storm.  Despite my best efforts I could not make it to Denver and was forced back to Laramie.  So basically my weekend was ruined I had been looking forward to this trip since I went back to school in January.  Oh well so Friday was terrible but I decided to make the best of things on Saturday and make a trip down to Boulder.  So I got in my car and drove down to the spot to watch my friend Annie climb and watch the finals at night.  Annie was pulling down strong as always and put on a good show for all of us.  Later we got some dinner and began our wait to get into finals.  IT WAS PACKED.  As always the community really showed their support. Now for the action at 7 o'clock it began.  First I want to mention all the people at the spot and usa climbing who were responsible for putting this comp on.  You guys did a great job!  Now for the climbing.  The men came out strong among them were Paul Robinson, D Woods, S McColl, C Traversi, and E Pringle to name a few sorry Im writing this during my lunch so I don't have time to mention all the mutants which were there.  On the women's side we saw A Johnson, A Puccio, L Rands, and C Cox sorry once again I don't have time to list all of you.  Any way for the men Woods won it all followed by Robinson then McColl.  At world cup Woods, Robinson, and Pringle will be representing. For the ladies AJ won it all followed by Cox then Puccio.  Those three will be going to world cup as well. Congratulations to all for an awesome comp!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

weak become heros session

Yesterday out of now where I got very sick very quickly.  My dorm is most likely the cause of the sickness due to the fact it hasn't been cleaned in over 3 months.... Anyway when Im sick I usually feel the need to go climb and thats exactly what I did.  I drove the trusty jeep up to the voo and preceded to walk through the mounds of  snow to a problem called weak become heros.  This problem is one of my goals for 2009 and it almost got ticked off on a sick day session!  While I tried this thing several times during 2008 I could only manage the opening moves the rest was way out of my league.  However after a couple months of plastic pulling I seem to be much stronger than before.  Within a hour or so I was through the hard part and moving on to the tricky top out.  From what I've been able to figure out the finish involves a technical mantle.  Hopefully if the weather is still nice I will return to it this weekend in hopes to finish it off.  Thats it for now.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

why am i up

Like the title says ..... why am I up!! Its 6:40 here in the west and Im unable to sleep at the moment.  So to solve the  issue Im writing on this thing.  While the weather has been some what favorable I have not been able to make it outside due to massive amounts of school work.  Hopefully wed. and thurs. will be nice enough to climb outside.  If the weather is good it'll be off to weak become heros and possibly cumulus if the snow isn't to deep.  Weak become heros is one of Vedauwoo's classic v10's and cumulus is a new classic v11-12.  Hopefully in a month both of these can be checked off and I'll be able to sleep a little better know these two are done.  Anyway I think it's time to go find some food on account that one Im awake and two I have nothing better to do.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

To Colorado and back

During my trip to Colorado last weekend my friends convinced me to make a blog...... so here it is the M2 update!!! Yes I am very uncreative in naming things but oh well here it is and now its time for the update part.  As mentioned before last week Jesse, Tim, and myself drove next door to Colorado to climb at the poudre canyon.  Unfortunately we got snowed out and were forced to make other plans.  After meeting up with our friend Collin in Ft. Collins we jumped in the car and drove out to the millennium boulder (which is basically right next to red rocks).  I'll say it now this piece of rock is badass!  The millennium boulder is basically a rock house with super fun lines covering every side.  We all started warming up on the various easy and moderate problems on the boulder and the moved on to the business.  Unfortunately I do not remember all the sends of the day but I know that Jesse sent Deseret sds and Tim sent Cannibal Dance.  As for me I walked away with no sends but rather a new project.  To the right of cannibal dance is this really interesting line called purity control, it’s basically a series of two dynamic cruxes both of which are rather hard.  By the end of the day I had the first crux wired but couldn't seem to do the second one.  Oh well I’m confident that the next session I'll be able to finish that bad boy off.  On a happier note I got to try out my new evolv optimus shoes.  Those things are sweet!  For the longest time I've been looking for a technical downturned shoe which don't kill my feet.  I found them!  Anyway now that I indulged my shoe obsession I cant think of any other news to share.  First blog done!  Check back next weekend to see what else has gone down.

